
From Nelson
Enterprises Catalog Number 26: "Photo of spectator listening
to the World Famous Enchanted Talking Teakettle. Picture reprinted
from Linking Ring Magazine."
Nelson Books
As of this writing,
I only know of three major sources for Nelson material:
Micky Hades
- Bob sold the publishing rights to most of his books and manuscripts
to Micky Hades before his death in 1973, many of which are still
H&R Books
- This is an off-and-on source for both original Nelson books and
the Micky Hades publications.
Ebay -
The sale of Nelson material on Ebay seems to run in phases, but
you can find some real gems if you wait long enough.
Diego Domingo
- As stated elsewhere on this site, I am indebted to Diego for his
generous help with my Nelson research. If you would like to contact
him directly, he may be reached by regular mail at P.O. Box 1463,
Studio City, CA 91614-0463, or by email at
The Nelson
Ultra Perfect Clipboard - For those magicians and mentalists
who are looking for a quality reproduction of the Nelson UPC, be
sure to check out
-- now if only someone would offer a World Famous Enchanted Talking